« Walter Benjamin lecteur de Charles Fourier », Cahiers Charles Fourier, N° 21, 2010



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منابع مشابه

Perturbaciones De Series De Fourier

Let μ be a finite, positive measure on [−1,1], {Pn}n∈N the polynomials orthonormal with respect to μ and {Snf}n∈N the associated Fourier series for each function f . The range of p for which Snf converges to f for every f ∈ Lp(μ) has been determined only for particular measures. In this paper, we show how to obtain more general results by perturbing one of those measures. Desde el año 1985, Chi...

متن کامل

CHARLES H . TOWNES ON JULY 21 , 1969 , astronauts Neil

ON JULY 21, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin set up an array of small reflectors on the moon, facing them toward Earth. At the same time, two teams of astrophysicists, one at the University of California’s Lick Observatory and the other at the University of Texas’s McDonald Observatory, were preparing small instruments on two big telescopes. Ten days later, the Lick team ...

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Annales De L’institut Fourier

© Annales de l’institut Fourier, 1975, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de l’institut Fourier » (http://annalif.ujf-grenoble.fr/) implique l’accord avec les conditions générales d’utilisation (http://www.numdam.org/legal.php). Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier...

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Annales De L’institut Fourier

© Annales de l’institut Fourier, 1993, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de l’institut Fourier » (http://annalif.ujf-grenoble.fr/), implique l’accord avec les conditions générales d’utilisation (http://www.numdam.org/legal.php). Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichie...

متن کامل

De L ’ Institut Fourier

— We describe explicitly the moduli spaces M pst g (S, E) of polystable holomorphic structures E with det E ∼= K on a rank two vector bundle E with c1(E) = c1(K) and c2(E) = 0 for all minimal class VII surfaces S with b2(S) = 1 and with respect to all possible Gauduchon metrics g. These surfaces S are nonelliptic and non-Kähler complex surfaces and have recently been completely classified. When...

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عنوان ژورنال: Anthropology & Materialism

سال: 2013

ISSN: 2364-0480

DOI: 10.4000/am.120